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The Young Protectors—Spooky Jones: Past Sins—Page 61

55 Comments on The Young Protectors—Spooky Jones: Past Sins—Page 61

Spooky, are you actually seriously considering agreeing to this?

In other news, you all are AWESOME! After I mentioned that the Patreon had backslid for the first time since I let you know that my ability to continue this comic was in jeopardy, y’all immediately came together and I’m happy to report that our Patreon just tipped past $6,200 for the first time since August! It’s now at $6,206/month,  now less than $800/month away from me breaking even again, and just $294 away from unlocking the sexy and fully nude pin-up of Kyle and Anaado by Travis Moore!

So, I’d like to send out a very special thank you and welcome to all our new Patrons this week!

idleEscapist Cosplay, Jenna, OneTraveller, Caitlin R., Josan R., Rasmus S. and Mat T.

And I’d also like to thank the totally awesome folks who were already Patrons, but who upped their pledge this week:

OneTraveller, Benoit C. and Heather P.

(Thank you, OneTraveller, Benoit and Heather!)

Thank you all so much for helping to start get things back on track. The Young Protectors is my full-time job. The only way I’m able to pay our artists (and, y’know, eat and pay rent) is due to the incredibly generous and consistent support of readers like you through Patreon. You’re all the real superheroes!

Let’s keep the momentum going so I can share that awesome pin-up that Travis made!

(Want to make sure this comic continues? Would you like to have access to special benefits like extra-sexy pages and behind-the-scenes scripts and art? Please take a look at my Patreon page and consider supporting this comic through Patreon!)

So! Why would Velliok be willing to agree to this pact? And once he knows Velliok’s true motivations, should Spooky agree to it?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀


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