Spooky Jones: Superhero, Junior Occult Investigator, International Sex Symbol AND coherent!
Speaking of coherence, I have to say that I’ve been loving your comments over the past few pages. So smart, thoughtful and fun! The analyses on the last page was especially gratifying. You’re making publishing this webcomic a very special treat for me right now. Because you’re AWESOME.
And speaking of awesome…
Our fifty-seventh bonus page in a row! And thanks to your generous donations, and in addition to our regular Saturday updates, there will also be bonus pages on Wednesday, August 20th (page 53!), Wednesday, August, 27th (page 55!), Wednesday, September 3rd (page 57!), Wednesday, September 10th (page 59!), Wednesday, September 17th (page 61!), Wednesday, September 24th (page 63!) and look below! We’re already at $232 towards the bonus page after that!
Special thanks go out to long-time supporters Saxon B. (who makes their 104th generous donation to The Young Protectors!) and a warm welcome and grateful bow go out to new supporter Elizabeth J. for their generous donations over the last few days!
And ZOMG!, super-warm hugs and deeply grateful bows go out to long-time mega-friend Christopher D. for their stunningly generous $120 donation, their ninety-third stunningly generous donation to this comic! You TOTALLY ROCK, Christopher! Thank you!
Thank you all so much for your generous support!
So! Lots to absorb here… We finally get an explanation for what young Commander meant when she talked about how using magic could make you nuts and we have at least some explanation why The Platinum Priestess thinks opening the gates of Hell is a fine idea. But could she have overlooked something? Could sweet, huggable Spooky be the real solution to the problem at hand?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there!
DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! Edit 8/14/14 8:14 PM: Woo hoo! You’ve done it again! You’ve just blasted past the target in the donation bar below! That means that thanks to your generous donations, and in addition to our regular Saturday updates, and bonus pages on Wednesday, August 20th (page 53!), Wednesday, August, 27th (page 55!), Wednesday, September 3rd (page 57!), Wednesday, September 10th (page 59!), Wednesday, September 17th (page 61!), and Wednesday, September 24th (page 63!), there will now be an additional bonus page (page 65!) on Wednesday, October 1st! YOU ARE ALL SO COOL! THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH!