The Annihilator is “the most dangerous supervillain in the world.”

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 4—Page 76-77

148 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 4—Page 76-77

Ka-thoom! (This page is a double page spread. You can find a high-res version here.) This weekend (Sept. 30-Oct 2) I’m exhibiting at GaymerX Year Four in Santa Clara, CA! This is my fourth year attending GaymerX, and if you’re an LGBT geek, it’s heaven. But one thing is different this year: I’m not in the Expo… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 4—Page 76-77

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 65

522 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 65

Yeah! What happened??? Over on the Patreon Page, for a variety of reasons, I don’t want to leave NSFW images up for too long. So, I’m going to be removing the link to the fully painted, naked Annihilator from the recent Flashback Friday post next month. This was the sneak preview image for that: $5 Patrons… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 65

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 66

232 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 66

Hmmmmm…. It’s been a great month over at the Patreon page! We’ve got 40 new Patrons this month and are now approaching $5900/month in support! (A number we haven’t been close to for many months!) This makes a huge difference in my ability to continue making these comics, and I’m so grateful to you all! Here… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 66

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 67

188 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 67

Yikes! So! For some reason, Kyle doesn’t seem to trust The Annihilator. But he looks so innocent! How can our hero not believe this little cherub? Surely this is just a prelude to hugs and warm cookies! Right? Tune in on Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 68

224 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 68

I know you have every reason to be angry, Kyle, but… look at those tears! In other news, if you haven’t checked out The Young Protectors TV Tropes page, you should. The Characters section gets updated continually, and exploring all those tropes is a fun way to spend an afternoon. (Or an afternoon, evening, and… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 68

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 69

374 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 69

Doh! First off, I’d like to send some Happy Birthday wishes out to long-time reader, Christopher D! Thank you for all your support and your thoughtful comments here on the site. I hope you have an awesome day, dude! Meanwhile, over on the Patreon Page, we have a really fun Flashback Friday — the Sexy… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 69

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 70

213 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 70

Congressional hearings, huh? Somehow I think I’d prefer battling The Platinum Priestess… Over on the Patreon Page, I posted a really fun Flashback Friday — the Sexy Height Chart for the Guys! And the response has been really great! We’re actually closing in on $6,000/month of support — a number we haven’t been at since last… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 70

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 72

304 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 72

Heroic poses – UNLOCKED! END CHAPTER 5. Well, that was a heck of a ride. Thank you so much for joining us on it! Meanwhile, over on the Patreon page, we’re now less that $15 away from $6100 in support (which we haven’t been at since last November). You all are awesome. That’s all. (Oh,… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 72

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 5

269 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 5

The “angry boy,” huh? Y’all seemed to like seeing Tsunami all dressed up in a suit on the last page, so over on the Patreon Page, I decided to share a gorgeous painting of Tsunami in an entirely different suit: his birthday suit! Beautifully rendered by artist Marccus, here is a sneak preview: $5+ Patrons… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 5

The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 6

253 Comments on The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 6

Sure. Y’all seemed to like seeing Tsunami all dressed up in a suit on Page 4, so over on the Patreon Page, I decided to share a gorgeous painting of Tsunami in an entirely different suit: his birthday suit! Beautifully rendered by artist Marccus, here is a sneak preview: $5+ Patrons can download the full (and fully… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 6