Wait — I thought Kyle wasn’t supposed to be able to speak. Doesn’t the writer read his own comic? I think this “Word of God” guy needs to read his own freaking Universe Bible, am I right?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
In other news, I’ve added a bunch of refrigerator magnets to my Store. Please check them out and let me know what you think. 🙂
And I’ve been working with designer Paul Sizer on the The Young Protectors Volume One book and and trading cards and, as it turns out, his wife is independent comics creator, Jane Irwin of Vögelein fame. Well, she’s just launched a Kickstarter project for her latest graphic novel, Clockwork Game. You should definitely check out that Kickstarter and you can read the whole thing for free here.
Oh and
The fifteenth bonus page in a row! And look below! We’re already at $65 towards the next bonus page!
Special thanks go out to long-time supporter Federica G. (who makes their eighth generous donation to The Young Protectors!) and a warm welcome and grateful bow go out to new supporter Debie B. for their generous donations over the last few days!
Big hugs go out to long-time friends of The Young Protectors Perrine S., and Marc B. for their super-generous $25 donations! And this makes Perrine’s thirteenth and Marc’s sixteenth super-generous donations to this comic! Thank you so much, Perrine and Marc! You rock!
Thank you all so much for your generous support!
So! Seems like Laampros likes the colorful metaphors just as much as the colorful similes. And while he and The Annihilator test the outer limits of their egos, it seems like our hero Kyle has a little something he wants to say himself. Will Kyle share some colorful metaphors of his own? And will The Annihilator ever be able to put down that heavy looking crystal ball?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there!