Kyle, you rebel!
So, thanks to you, our little Kickstarter was a great success! $133,640 from 2,462 totally AWESOME backers! And we pre-sold 2134 The Young Protectors books! Woot! Thank you, all of you, for spreading the word and making that such a wonderful experience!
In other news, as an act of mercy, you gave us the week off from bonus pages post-Kickstarter madness, but look below! We’re already at $312 towards our next bonus page!
Special thanks go out to long-time supporters Josien S. (who makes their second generous donation to The Young Protectors!), Charlene C. (who makes their fourth generous donation to The Young Protectors!) & Lisa G. (who makes their twenty-fourth generous donation to The Young Protectors!) and a warm welcome and grateful bow go out to new supporters Anika P., Mitchell S., Dan N., Anthony S. & Christina F. for their generous donations over the last few days!
Big hugs go out to new friend of The Young Protectors Christopher D. and also to long-time friends Adriane L., Robert B. & joshua G. for their super-generous $25 donations! And this makes both Robert’s and joshua’s twenty-first, and Adriane’s twenty-second (!) super-generous donation to this comic! Thank you so much Christopher, Adriane, Robert and joshua!
Thank you all so much for your amazing generosity and the amazing support you’ve shown this comic! You all ROCK!
So! A little casual chit-chat. Some nice candlelight. A flirtatious glance. We’re finding out what Kyle thinks about the role of superheroes in the world. I wonder where this is heading.
Tune in next Saturday this Wednesday to find out! I hope to see you there!
EDIT 6/29/13 12:37 AM: DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! You’ve done it again! The donation bar has just tipped over its target which means that in addition to our regular page update next Saturday (page 11!), there will be a bonus update this Wednesday, July 3rd! Thank you all so much! Hope to see you there!