Oh, this is such a double-fake. He’s totally going to say Flyboy.
I’m at San Diego Comic Con this week! I’ll have both Artifice and advance copies of The Young Protectors V1 graphic novels to sell along with special The Young Protectors prints. I’ll be at the Prism Booth – BOOTH # 2144 in Hall C:

I’d love to get a chance to meet you, so if you’re there, please stop by and say hi!
Also, earlier this week, over at the Patreon page, I was able to post the final version of Kyle’s Full Monty Pin-up with its painted background by Marccus:
I really like the scene Marccus has created here. Nice and romantic and cozy. And I like imagining how that fire got started. Fun!
Curious exactly how much of Kyle’s hair is red? All Patrons regardless of pledge level will be able to download the mobile wallpaper version of this! And since this is a new Full Monty image for July, $10+ Patrons will be sent high-res versions of this image after their payments have been processed for this month (which should happen in the first week of August). And the high-res Full Monty images have over double the resolution! 🙂
There are lots of great benefits to being a Patron, and you’d really be helping me out if you became one too. If you’re enjoying our work here and would like to see it continue (and would like to get access to all kinds of special benefits!),
please take a moment to watch the video on my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patron.
So! Now we know why Fluke would choose to put a ring on Kyle’s finger. But why would he want to throw sweet Tsunami off a cliff?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀