“Dude! WTF! I was, like, having a total hero-modesty-moment there…” So! To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what’s happening on this page. What is clear is that after bringing Spooky back from the dead, Kyle didn’t even take a moment to ask if his friend was OK. Instead, it looks like he chose to chat… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 58
Sometimes, a kiss is just a kiss. Except when it also uses arcane magicks to heal severe burns. Over on the Patreon Page, I’ve just shared the NSFW version of Spooky Jones’ Romance Card pin-up art. Linework is again by Adam DeKraker, and colors are by Alex Sollazzo. And this time, Spooky is completely, totally, fully-frontally nude! (Except… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 59
Methinks someone senses another kiss coming… Just a few days ago, over on the Patreon Page, I shared the NSFW version of Spooky Jones’ Romance Card pin-up art. Linework is again by Adam DeKraker, and colors are by Alex Sollazzo. And this time, Spooky is completely, totally, fully-frontally nude! (Except for the cap, of course—Spooky loves that… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 60
Oh, Gordon… So, downloading naked Spooky seemed to be a popular option over at the Patreon page! We’ve had a bunch of new Patrons join up, and we’re back over $5700/month for a the first time a while. That really helps me, a lot—so I’m sending my warmest thanks out to all our Patrons, old and… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 61
Now they get here! Sheesh! I’m going to be in Toronto this month! I’m a guest at Yaoi North, May 26-28th, in fact! Yaoi North is part of Anime North and registration is still open. I’ll be selling and signing Artifice and The Young Protectors books and other cool merch (like our Trading Cards). And I’ll… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 62
Maybe. So! Kyle felt bad about hurting his buddy Paul, but Paul was having none of it. And now Gordon feels like he might not have given Paul enough credit. Will Kyle really have to gives years of pizza and chauffeur service to Paul? How much pizza can Paul really eat? Does Kyle even have a… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 63
And the Circle of Banter is now complete. I’m going to be in Toronto this weekend, May 26-29th, for Yaoi North! Yaoi North is an official part of Anime North and takes place at the Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East at 600 Dixon Road. It is “the annual LGBTQ-centric programming track that runs as part of Anime… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 64
Yeah! What happened??? Over on the Patreon Page, for a variety of reasons, I don’t want to leave NSFW images up for too long. So, I’m going to be removing the link to the fully painted, naked Annihilator from the recent Flashback Friday post next month. This was the sneak preview image for that: $5 Patrons… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 65
Hmmmmm…. It’s been a great month over at the Patreon page! We’ve got 40 new Patrons this month and are now approaching $5900/month in support! (A number we haven’t been close to for many months!) This makes a huge difference in my ability to continue making these comics, and I’m so grateful to you all! Here… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 66
Yikes! So! For some reason, Kyle doesn’t seem to trust The Annihilator. But he looks so innocent! How can our hero not believe this little cherub? Surely this is just a prelude to hugs and warm cookies! Right? Tune in on Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀