I know you have every reason to be angry, Kyle, but… look at those tears! In other news, if you haven’t checked out The Young Protectors TV Tropes page, you should. The Characters section gets updated continually, and exploring all those tropes is a fun way to spend an afternoon. (Or an afternoon, evening, and… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 68
Doh! First off, I’d like to send some Happy Birthday wishes out to long-time reader, Christopher D! Thank you for all your support and your thoughtful comments here on the site. I hope you have an awesome day, dude! Meanwhile, over on the Patreon Page, we have a really fun Flashback Friday — the Sexy… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 69
Congressional hearings, huh? Somehow I think I’d prefer battling The Platinum Priestess… Over on the Patreon Page, I posted a really fun Flashback Friday — the Sexy Height Chart for the Guys! And the response has been really great! We’re actually closing in on $6,000/month of support — a number we haven’t been at since last… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 70
Now… KISS! Over on the Patreon page, y’all have shot us back over $6,000 in support in the past few days (and are closing in on $6100), and I’m very grateful to each and every one of you. We haven’t been at this level of support since last November, and it puts me that much… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 71
Heroic poses – UNLOCKED! END CHAPTER 5. Well, that was a heck of a ride. Thank you so much for joining us on it! Meanwhile, over on the Patreon page, we’re now less that $15 away from $6100 in support (which we haven’t been at since last November). You all are awesome. That’s all. (Oh,… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Chapter 5—Page 72
The last comic of the “Engaging the Enemy” arc of The Young Protectors begins! Our usual navigation tips: At the bottom of each comic, there is a navigation menu giving you the choice to go to the First, Previous, Next and Last pages. (Or if you’re feeling non-linear, there’s even a “Random” page option.) You… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy: Coda—Title Page
Parents! Amirite? Over on the Patreon Page, TWO new pin-ups were sent out to Patrons today! I know there are those of you who are going to miss the “Silver Fox,” so the first pin-up is a fun action piece of The Annihilator vs. the military! With linework by Henrique from Inkstand Studios and colors… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 1
Good question, Bird Boy. This was another great month over at the Patreon page! We added another 50 Patrons and support increased from $5900/month to almost $6100/month! This means we’re steadily moving back again towards me breaking even after paying my artists, rent, etc., and it again shows that we have the most amazing readers… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 2
Sweet ride, Spooks! Y’all continue to be totally awesome over at the Patreon page. In just a few short days, we’re now at close to $6200/month, a level of support we haven’t been at since last October and that much closer to breaking even. I never expected this kind of response. You’re incredible. All the… Continue reading The Young Protectors: Engaging The Enemy Coda—Page 3
Good luck, Kyle! So! Who is Kyle going to go see at ExSec HQ? And why would they be discussing fine dining? Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀 AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY, EVERYONE! Hope our readers in the U.S. had a fun one!