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The Young Protectors—Spooky Jones: Past Sins—Page 75

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Adorable is as adorable does.

So! A couple big, new reward things on the Patreon front!

First off, it took a lot of blood, sweat, and technical jujitsu, but I’ve finally been able to create Patreon-exclusive webcomic pages here on the site! That means that instead of having to deal with Patreon’s clunky interface to read the fully uncensored pages of Legendary, $5+ Patrons (both old and new) can do that right here and enjoy the whole story as it was meant to be read! (And if you’d like to be able to read through the uncensored version of Chapters 1 and 2 yourself, I have the instructions right here.)

In other news, Patrons are currently voting about whether I should do a Livestream Q&A, like some other creators have done. The debate in the comments is spirited, interesting, and (because y’all are always so awesome) incredibly thoughtful. Do you have an opinion about whether I should take and answers questions from readers like you on live video? The poll ends on February 9th!

Last but certainly not least, it’s my great pleasure to send out a very special Patreon anniversary thank you to those who have been supporting our work consistently.

Our Patrons for 12 months or more as of this week (Feb 3 – 9):

Pernell M., Travis M., and Jason W.

(Y’all rock!)

Our Patron for 24 months or more as of this week (Feb 3 – 9):


(Two years of support! Thank y’all so much, Gregg!)

And now it’s my great pleasure to send an extra huge thank you to those Patrons who have been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!

Patrons for 48 months (4 years!) as of this week (Feb 3 – 9):

Choreocrat, Oats, RRM, Sveny, Orlando B., Matthew C., Sean C., D Christian H., Heiko L., Carmine M., Mbongeni M., Gary R., Monika R., and Jim V.

(Woot! Woot! Thank you so much for sticking with me so long! You’ve been the ones making this comic possible from a time when it was looking I’d have to give it up, and I’m so grateful to each and every one of you!)

Thank you all so, so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that makes Patreon so helpful to creators, and is so essential to my ability to continue making this comic! You all are superheroes!

(Want to make sure this comic continues? Would you like to have access to special benefits like extra-sexy pages and behind-the-scenes scripts and art? Please take a look at my Patreon page and consider supporting this comic through Patreon!)

So! Houston, we have a kiss! We have a kiss! Spooky has decided to let Kyle “all the way in” and I guess he’s starting with Kyle’s tongue! Is Spooky doing the right thing here? Is Kyle?

Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀

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