If the mountain won’t come to you, sometime you just have to beat the mountain on the head with something heavy…
It’s my great pleasure to send out another, very special Woolfpack anniversary “thank you!” to the superheroes of this comic who have been supporting our work month after month!
I’d like to send out a big thank you to members of the Woolfpack who have been supporting our work for 24 months of this week (June 23-29):
Marcus B. and Mark D.
(Two years of support! Thank you so much, Marcus and Mark!)
And a heroic thank you as well as for Woolfpack members who have been supporting our work for 36 months of this week (June 23-29):
Jonathan C., Claire E., David G., and Eric T.
(Three years of support! Thank you so much, Jonathan, Claire, David, and Eric!)
And let me also send out my biggest howl to members of the Woolfpack who have been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!
Here are the awesome readesr who have been supporting me and this comic for 48 months (4 years!) as of this week (June 23-29):
JWT and Will T.
Thank you so much, JWT and Will! Y’all are so awesome!
Thank you all so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that is what really allows me to continue making this comic. You all truly are superheroes!
(Want to make sure this comic continues? Would you like to have access to special benefits like extra-sexy pages with our characters, exclusive Young Protectors pin-ups, behind-the-scenes scripts and art, and sneak preview pages? Please take a look at my Patreon page and join me and your fellow awesome readers as part of The Woolfpack on Patreon!)
So! Cory is learning to improvise! This is good! Maybe our heroes will actually be able to pull this off!
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀
Well done. Cory is extremely good at thinking on his feet.
Yes, Cory found the loophole in the protection.
OTOH, I think he may also be losing control a bit, and that’s a Bad Thing™.
When it’s Mitch’s life on the line, Cory is going to think fast. Very fast.
We shall soon see…

hm. Cory is doing well, but that red-outlined speech balloon might have been loud enough to be heard by a crazy. Let’s hope Cory continues to be lucky and to stay a hidden asset. Fluke? Your power can help Cory out if necessary, yes?
I do worry that the crazy’s power-up may adapt to this new form of attack, but I guess that can be addressed if it’s actually an issue.
And Cory? Whatever happens, don’t let anyone touch that glowing ribcage which I notice is still there. No one gets to touch that thing, okay?
ExSec testing has shown that Fluke needs to be within 300m of the target to affect them with his powers.
But Tsunami has always thought that was a bunch of bull.
Go on and touch it, Cory. I’m sure that artifact will in no way be relevant to any future events in this comic.