Wooo hooo!
Happy Holidays, everyone! Because the next update day falls on Christmas, we’ll be taking the day off. But what a fun page to warm our hearts over these frosty nights! The art put a big smile on my face, and hopefully y’all feel the same way! We’ll pick up with the next page, next Saturday, December 28th! Hope to see y’all there!
You can talk about this page at The Young Protectors Community here.
(Disqus comments are still at the bottom of this web page!)
The only reason I’m able to keep making The Young Protectors is because of the very generous support of readers like you on Patreon. And we had a bunch of new folks sign up over the last few days! So, please join me in sending out a very special thank you and welcome to the new members of the Woolfpack this week!
Roulste, Christoper C., Lucas C., Joel P., Dr. Pressley R., Laetitia S. and N. V.
Thank you so much for your amazing support, Roulste, Christoper, Lucas, Joel, Dr. Pressley, Laetitia and N.! You and the other members of the Woolfpack are all the real superheroes of this comic!
(Would you like to make sure this comic continues? Ready to dive even deeper into The Young Protectors world? Learn more about all the benefits of joining me and your fellow readers as part of The Young Protectors tribe on Patreon and then join the fun!)
So! Spooky gets to fly the friendly skies with Mitch—and I think he likes it! Nice to see our boys have a moment of fun, right?
But where are they off to? And what will they find once they get there?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀
So much for keeping a low profile.
I gotta admit I’m jealous, I want to fly like that once, too

screw my half existent fear of heights
Quick show of hands: Who saw this page and immediately thought of the “Can you read my mind” scene from Superman?

Also: “Jack the sound barrier. Bring the noise.”

Hum. I love the page. Don’t get me wrong. Mitches expression in the just pre-supersonic flight bit looks “off” or older. Or is that just me?
Kids today!
It would be a lot of fun.

Excellent page! Thank you! Glad someone remembered to have fun.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
This is freaking adorable i’m squealing
and also i’m a teeny bit jealous haha
Fun is important. Happy holidays, David!
Ha! I agree. I’d love to experience flight like that too.