Ambrosia isn’t bad. We just draw her that way.
Please note: These are work-in-progress colors. Vero should get me the final colors soon.
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It’s my great pleasure to send out another, very special Woolfpack anniversary “thank you!” to the superheroes of this comic who have been supporting our work month after month!
First let me thank pack members who havebeen supporting our work for the last 12 months as of this week (Feb 9-15):
Draskireis and Thomas C.
(You totally rock, Draskireis and Thomas!)
And a heroic thank you as well as for a Woolfpack member who has been supporting our work for 36 months of this week (Feb 9-15):
D P.
(Three years of support! Thank you so much, D!)
And let me also send out my biggest howl to those members of the Woolfpack who have been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!
These are the awesome readers who have been supporting me and this comic for 60 months (5 years!) as of this week (Feb 9-15):
Choreocrat, Kimberly A. Hunt, Michael, Ryan, Sean C., Matthew D., R F., Aaron G., Joel K., TJ K. and Hayyim O.
Thank you so much, Choreocrat, Kimberly A. Hunt, Michael, Ryan, Sean, Matthew, R, Aaron, Joel, TJ and Hayyim! Y’all are so awesome!
Thank you all so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that is what really allows me to continue making this comic. You all truly are superheroes!
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So! We have the same demon seal in two time periods, and another abandoned church with evil doings! What does it all mean? And what will Spooky find there?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀
another abandoned church

certainly popular…

I want to believe Ambrosia…mainly bc I don’t want our heroes to face any more bad surprises than neccessary in the near future… (who am I kidding… as if there’s a way NOT to have bad surprises, aye?
Yet another abandoned church? What, they search for them on Craigslist?
“A white night for me is as rare as a fat postman.”
Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye, Chapter 12
It’s possible that it’s not the abandoned church that’s important but the nearby church graveyard. But we’ll see soon enough.
“Long gone” doesn’t mean quite as much as it should when time travel is possible. Perhaps this Domanoth is the “master” that the Platinum Priestess was referring to in chapter one.
I’m guessing that since this is the first time Spooky’s seen this sigil on Earth, he’s saying he originally saw it in Hell. I wonder under what circumstances did he see it.
If the Royals feared Domanoth, I’m guessing he was either was a direct threat to them (perhaps he was like a demonic Galactus who devours other demons) or else very chaotic and uncontrollable. Which in turn makes me wonder how he was defeated before Spooky “showed up”.
And I also wonder why the crazies are trying to summon a demon who was “long gone”. Does anyone else get the feeling that Sircea is playing a very long game here?
In the preview “the only question is, are you coming with me”? Uh, this is a serious question? He would not be kept away!
I get the impression that Ambrosia want’s her brother more than she wants the return of the child.
Funny how what’s bad for them can be so good for us.

There must be a Web site, yes?
So was he saying that he slept well, Dave?
Yes. He did see it in Hell.
I’m enjoying your speculation on this, David. You’re asking good questions.

That would be my impression too.